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Board & Committee
All BIA meetings are open to our members and you are invited to attend.
All BIA meetings warmly welcome our members, and your presence is encouraged. Should you wish to present as a delegate during a BIA Board meeting, kindly inform the BIA Coordinator at least 1 week before the scheduled meeting to secure a spot on the Board agenda. For regular Committee meetings, agendas are made available a couple days ahead of the meeting. If you require further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the BIA Coordinator at
Meeting Schedules
BIA Board of Directors 2023
Will meet on the last Wednesday of every month at 8:00am in Town Hall.
John McKenty (Chair), Krista Mackler (Co-Chair), Dawn Bell (Treasurer), Sheldon Giff, Kerri Whan, Rob Marois, Julia Foley, Jane Farrell, and Councilor Isabel Anne McRae.
Personnel Committee
Will meet on the last Tuesday of each month at 8:30am in Town Hall.
John McKenty, Krista Stead-Mackler, and Dawn Bell
Stewart Park Festival Committee
Will meet on the first Thursday each month, at 6:30pm in the Perth Restaurant & Pizzeria.
Delores MacAdam, Jamie Campbell, David Balfour, Peter Cochrane, Gary Waterfield, Rob Marois, Susan Thompson, Don Kindt, Matt McShane, Jolene McShane, Tracy Fawcett, David Murray, Councillor Isabel Anne McRae, David Kroetsch, Anne Davis, Shawn Vernier, Sophie Ball, Kelsey Dold, and Haley Beattie.
Promotions Committee
Will meet on the third Thursday of each month at 8:30am at Michael’s Table Restaurant.
Kerri Whan, Dawn Bell, Sheldon Giff Julia Foley, and Jane Farrell.
Downtown Environment Committee
Will meet a few times during the year at Town Hall.
Krista Mackler, John Clement, Susan Parks and Claire Rothery, Sheldon Giff
Meeting Agendas
*All 2023 minutes are available upon request (
(BIA Annual General Meeting)
Personnel Committee
Stewart Park Festival Committee
Promotions Committee
Downtown Environment Committee
Meeting Minutes
(BIA Annual General Meeting)
Stewart Park Festival Committee